Thursday, January 17, 2008

Collective thoughts from Kayla

Poor Grammy! Funny how the older a person gets the more they seem to slow down. Don't tell Grammy, but I have noticed that in her the last couple of days. She has lots of energy in the morning but by supper time, her batteries seem to be running low. Since I am two and have lots of energy, I thought it would be a good idea to help her out around the house today. I thought I was being helpful and unloaded the dishes from the dishwasher for her. Now, how was I supposed to know that they were still dirty? I also have watched her vacuum the crumbs from off the floor almost every day. That seems senseless to me. If she didn't make me pick up my toys, then she wouldn't even notice the crumbs. Personally, I think she generates more work for herself than necessary.

Today Grammy thought it would be fun to make cookies. Right, I've heard that one before! "Let's make cookies" really means "watch me make cookies and you can help a little." I decided to humor her so I watched her for awhile and then when she turned her back to get the cookie sheets, I made my move. Before she even had a chance to turn around, I grabbed the rolling pin and proceeded to show her that I am two and am able to handle cookie baking myself! It took a bit of persuading, but she finally gave in. Of course, she couldn't believe that I was able to do the whole process myself. She even grabbed the video camera for proof. I did get some flour on the floor but I knew that Grammy would haul out that vacuum again, so what did it matter?

Well, Grammy says it's time for my nap. Whatever--I bet Grammy is the one who really wants the rest. Hmm, personally, I think every Grammy needs to have a two year old around more often. If nothing else, I know she certainly is getting lots of exercise and that should definitely help her to stay young and fit!

Bye for now,


Daniel said...

Wow, Kayla! You did a fabulous job with those cookies!! It looks like you're having a lot of fun with Grammy. Mommy and I can't wait to get back to see you; we've missed you lots. Be a good girl and give Grammy a break every now and then. We'll see you tomorrow.

Love, Daddy

Karis said...

Kayla, we miss you so much!

Grammy, I understand about being tired by the afternoon. I don't know where toddlers get all their energy! Thanks for the video. It was so fun to see.

Unknown said...

Kayla, your Nana loved watching you bake cookies at your Grammy's! You were awesome! I'm so glad you got to stay at Paco and Grammy's all by yourself for a few days. You are such a big girl, and you are a great "helper" for Grammy! I love you, Kayla.

Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...


Pretty soon you will be taking over the whole kitchen. Good Job!!! I love watching the video of you. It was so much fun!!! I miss you so much as well. Glad you got to stay with Grammy and Paco.

Love ya
Auntie Kristen (and Uncle Tim)